Friday, August 1, 2008

Just Another Traveler Blog


Thanks for checking out my new blog. This should be more fun than a Fresno Summer without popsicles.

Finally, I am on the cusp of my big, once in a life time, round the world adventure. No children, no car payments, no mortgage, just a pocket full of crashing American greenbacks and a year of my life reserved for anything. To give a brief overview, I will be traveling to Uganda, Northern Europe (Moscow, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg), India/Nepal, China, Papua New Guinea, and Kauai. Themes include playing soccer, transportation and energy infrastructure, and snorkeling without a snorkel. The whole trip should last about a year.

Well, the plane leaves on August 4th at 6 am. Wish me luck and please pray for my safety (my back pack is bursting with Western medicine's best).


Unknown said...

you better actually update this thing! dont tease me! there better be pictures!

Unknown said...

Eric, we'll all be watching for your regular updates. Travel safe(ly), and don't become one of those "locked up abroad"!

Unknown said...

Have a great adventure! Maybe I'll see you in Asia in the spring.

Unknown said...

Sounds awesome! Safe travels EVG